Hi there! I have designed this short & effective worksheet to help you become more prepared, confident and nail the interview ahead of you. The worksheet is based on years of experience working with people preparing for interviews with great success. An excellent addition to the popular guided meditation on the Meditable youtube channel. With […]
Megújult az alább elérhető vezetett meditációs csomag, amely segít megtanulni elengedni a stresszt, szorongást és megerősíteni az önbizalmad: Vezetett Meditációs Gyűjtemény Figyelmetekbe ajánlanám az itt elérhető online önfejlesztő kurzusom is: Az önfegyelem pszichológiája, halogatás leküzdése, figyelem-tréning, konstruktív gondolkodás, stresszkezelés.
The Meditable Goal Meditation app is transforming into a youtube channel 🔥 So we can bring our beloved guided meditations to more people with less hassle.👌 Our meditations are goal-oriented and actionable.🤛 They are designed to help you reach your goals and improve yourself in specific areas of your life, like: 🧘♂️Productivity, Study & Work […]
Our beloved meditation app has gone through some updates including enhanced meditation stats, iphone X compatibility and design improvements. For this occasion I thought I put out a little intro to the app for those who are unfamiliar with it and would like to know more. Meditable empowers you to create your own tailor-made guided […]
In this article I would like to highlight some of the practical implications of what psychology knows about the function of self-talk. I will include some useful tips for using coping statements to help ourselves deal with challenging situations. It is not going to be a guide to cure anxieties, or stronger emotional reactions or […]
I would like to share some quotes from Albert Ellis’s book: The Myth of Self-Esteem, to introduce two different psychological positions we can take, in our relationship with ourselves and our performances: Self-rating: Rating and labelling ourselves based on our performances Self-acceptance: Accepting ourselves as globally ok and worthy while limiting our tendency to rate […]
The therapeutic use of hypnosis can involve a wide range of versatile subjective experiences. We can think of hypnosis as a state of heightened suggestibility (receptiveness) with increased absorption in inner experiences. Consequently, the subjective experience of hypnosis will be determined by the nature of the inner work that the therapist and client engage in. […]
Many of the ‘big moments’ in our lives are related to events of success and failure. We often experience how powerfully these moments shape our self-esteem and emotional states. When we succeed, we feel strong, worthy and generally good about ourselves. When we fail, we may feel inferior, flawed, frustrated or down. However, If we […]
London Group of Relaxation, Hypnosis & Culture Seeking Let’s get together to learn relaxation techniques, to discuss interesting topics of psychology, hypnosis and culture to cultivate a more balanced, stress-free and intellectually stimulating lifestyle. We started this group to share evidence-based relaxation methods and useful psychological knowledge with anybody interested in reducing daily stress, improving […]